Friday, August 29, 2008


Hey Guys,

It had been over 1.5 month since i had some quality fun time with friends, coz i was home on all the weekends and dint get opportunity to catch up wid my buddies back here...As planned Deepak and Dillip were scheduled to come over yesterday , but Dillip ditched and Deepak made it....I awalys had a though at the back of my mind that next time we party at home, it would be GRAND, and so as soon as i reached home, i took Deepak to the market to buy BEER MUGS and VODKA Glasses, its no fun drinking in normal glasses (its entirely my thought btw).....We went and bought some good things, like the way they serve in pubs, and i ended up buying Puma slippers, Handkerchiefs, Socks, etc etc too....We then hit the booze shop and i thght why nt but 7 bottles instead of buying two so that we dont have to make it to the market again the next day (Deepak and Dillip are wid me till Sat)....


We went home and started the good time, talking about the most SENTIMENTAL moments of our lives we ended up talking for almost 2 hours and beyond my capacity we had finished 5 bottles instead of our initial plan of 2....My servant Vinod had 2 too....
Then we hit the Roads past midnight to have a walk b4 dinner and then did all the crazy things a drunk does, taking off our tshirts and shouting and running, chasing DOGS etc etc...Good luck kept us away from the POLICE.....We came back and ate and went of to sleep....


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